Pony-Berserker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pony-berserker/art/Wipe-It-581966696Pony-Berserker

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Wipe It



Help me make the epilogue:
P-B's Dialogue CONTEST! (closed) by Pony-Berserker

Toilet humor is best because the chance to 'offend' someone is very slim. Also, my changelingsona needed a comic.

Thanks to Middy, VoidChicken and Wireball for suggestions and feedback.
The terrified trio of OCs are Silver Sickle, Southern Comfort and Longhaul who belong to my Patreon supporters ThePonyStark, Magello and MrPOSSLQ respectively.

MLP and its characters belong to Hasbro. OC's belong to their respective owners. If you translate or repost, do it outside of DeviantArt. Thank you. Jan 3 2016 EQD 
You can donate to my  .:Bullet:. Patreon by FreakyEd Patreon here! Tip: a little monthly donation might be a good idea for a (late) Christmas gift to any of your favorite fan-artists who own a Patreon page!
Image size
751x1154px 707.04 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Pony-Berserker
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Horses don't need to wipe because their butts are awesome like that.