Pony-Berserker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pony-berserker/art/The-Great-And-Powerful-Brag-469198691Pony-Berserker

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The Great And Powerful Brag



Update: A certain troll started targeting me with nasty spam for making this comic - so I think the only appropriate response is to promote this comic as much as possible?

Now we know where Trixie's problem came from.
RAVE-IX who commissioned this comic decided to torture me with a script containing way too many characters and crowds. I don't think I've ever drawn so many characters running. Stupid quadrupeds and the silly way they run. Drawing their legs in a good enough way took an awfully lot of time. I actually had a nervous breakdown in the middle of the drawing process, but I got over it :P

This comic is a little different than the version posted by Rave-IX. In addition to a few details, I decided to dealicornize Twilight Sparkle in the 'awesome running with manga-like speed lines behind them' moment. I also wanted to turn Trixie's mom into Trixie's aunt but :iconvoidchicken: convinced me that no one should blame and lynch me in case a real Trixie's mom appears in the show or comics. Well played, VC. Btw, you can blame me for the background gags with Sketchy and Twi Velvet in both versions... :P

And since I had to include crowds, I decided to use some OC's of people I know and sometimes talk with, and they hopefully at least don't hate me :P However, if your OC wasn't included, it doesn't mean you are not my friend - I just had limited space availble, or I just forgot you have an OC... :facehoof: Yes...
Here's the list of OC's (and their owners) in order of appearance:
:iconpixelkitties: Pixelkities, :iconlastoftheknights: Dark Light (only her flank is seen in Panel 1 :P), :iconmrposslq: Longhaul, :iconsaturdaymorningproj: Spotlight Glare, :iconszafalesiaka: SzafaLesiaka's ponysona (cosplaying as a hussar), :iconaurora-chiaro: Aurora-Chiaro, :iconcalpain-eqd: Calpain's ponysona, aka Calpony, :iconjaygazer: Dynamite Rave, Incognito (in Cal's scrub), then :iconsethisto: Seth's ponysona, :iconpony-berserker: my Giant Crab OC Tom the Crab, :icondaniel-sg: DanielSplatter: and last but not least :iconsketchywolf-13: Sketchy.

Two OC's were included as a reward for two of my patrons from Patreon!!
:iconmagello: Magello wanted me to draw a hussar pony. So I turned SzafaLesiaka into one, since both hussars and SzafaLesiaka are Polish.
:bulletred: :iconmrposslq: requested me to draw his OC Longhaul. 

MLP and its characters belong to Hasbro. OCs belong to their respective owners. | If you translate or repost, credit me and link back here. Do not post on DeviantArt! | 21/07/14 EQD comic post
You can follow me on twitter or support me on Patreon.
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DarkZ67's avatar

Wish they could’ve done an episode of Trixie and her parents