Pony-Berserker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pony-berserker/art/Some-Items-Not-Included-610505735Pony-Berserker

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Some Items Not Included



If you don't follow season 6 of MLP, this comic is based on 'Newbie Dash' episode (S06 E07).
If the Wonderbolts use co-ed bedrooms, locker rooms and apparently bathrooms, there can be only one explanation. Geldings are the answer (if you don't know what a gelding or 'gelded' is, use an online dictionary or Wikipedia).

My headcanon is that ponies geld each other if it's needed just like humans do with horses :P My fanon of Equestria is on the bad side of a sugarbowl universe.
I regret nothing too. You know my twisted sense of humor and you shouldn't be too surprised, right?

Also, my editor Middy was totally against this comic but I didn't listen. Middy

MLP and its characters belong to Hasbro. If you translate or repost, please do it outside of DeviantART, thank you. 24-05-2016 EQD comic post

Do you like my comics? Consider joining my  .:Bullet:. Patreon by FreakyEd Patreon - go here!   Or simply give me a DA watch, leave a comment etc. - that counts as supporting too (and gives me some smiles)!
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1180x900px 538.81 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Pony-Berserker
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thelegoking99's avatar

LOL, that's hilarious! That look on Dash's face is priceless.